Thursday, August 4, 2022

Future Of BBA In Digital Marketing| Dotin Academy

 Future Of BBA In Digital Marketing| Dotin Academy

      What Is The Future Of BBA In Digital Marketing


Digital marketing is the help of brands to connect with likely coustomrs. and other channels to reach consumers.BBA in Digital Marketing offers students knowledge and understanding of the marketing world digitally. Digital Marketing is changing brands and organizations to communicate with their consumers.

 Possible Career Opportunities
1. Data Analyst

2Web Developer

3. Email Marketing Manager

4. SEO Analyst

5. Content Marketer

6. Online Digital Marketer

7. Growth Analyst

8. Digital Agency Director

9. Social Media manager

10. Business Analyst

Monday, August 1, 2022

Digital Marketing For Startups | Dotin

Digital Marketing Strategies For Startups |Dotin 
       Digital Marketing For Startups


 Digital Marketing is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of Digital communication it is also called online marketing. This is mainly on the internet but also covers display advertising, mobile phones, and any other Digital media

Digital Marketing is very much used fully by a startup. it improves them to show more customers that can change to leads and boost sales. and it helps increase brand awareness among customers. Digital Marketing can be an effective strategy to promote a startup business if done effectively.


Sunday, July 3, 2022

Google algorithm update


Google Algorithm 


Google's algorithm is a complex system used to recover data from its search index and immediately deliver the best possible results for an examination.    

 Google algorithm update

1.PandaUpdate:Thepanda update was announced in February 2011This update by Google aimed to produce better high-quality results with relevant content that the search engine user desires. panda doesn't like duplicate content which means no plagiarism and doesn't bother with keyword stuffing.


2.Penguin update: Google panda has evolved into Google penguin to target site spam and over-optimized page. the main motivation has been to limit and discourage the unethical use of inbound and outward links.

3.Hummingbird Update: Google wants to understand user doubt and therefore be able to return better and more useful results.
hummingbird- update

4.Mobile Update: make sure when you're searching from a mobile phone the search result will be mobile-friendly
mobile -update

5.Rank Brain Update: is Google's name for a machine-learning artificial intelligence system used to help process its search results.

6.Medic UpdateYour money Your life (YMYL)          
7.PigeonUpdateThe main goal is to provide useful relevant and fast inquiry results to web users looking for the local search results.

8.Bert Update: This update is designed to better understand the local language.
bert- update

9.Parked Domain:Domain parking means basically have you seen those you sometimes you click on the side you go to a URL you mistype it and there's nothing.


10.Exact Match Domain update:The exact match domain update is a new filter aimed at making sure that low-quality websites do not achieve a high page rank and get up high in google search engine result page. 

Thursday, June 30, 2022

History and Evolution of seo

History And Evolution Of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)                                                                                        


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art science of improving the ranks of websites on search engines such as Google. High ranking in search engines result page ( SERP )can lead to an increase in traffic to a website.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              History of Google                                                                                     


The Google company was officially launched on September 4,1998, by larry page and Sergey Brin to market Google Search, which has become the most widely used web-based search engine. Larry Page and Sergey Brin students at Stanford University in California developed a search algorithm first known as '' BackRub''in 1996.                                                                                                                                                                 

Google Process    

  1. Crawling: It involves groups of robots (crawling or spiders) discovering new and update content on the internet.
  2. Indexing: The search engine will disappear from the search result if the website is not indexed
  3. Ranking: The ranking algorithm displays the search result most likely to satisfy each searcher's query. 

  webmaster can keep on everything related to a site.  Additionally, webmasters may dabble in information technology work like server setup and administration. some webmasters overdo it and badly affected Google search results there beginning the process of Evolution of Google.                                                                Evolution of  Google

Initially, Google was content-specific or niche-specific. if we use the focused keyword more on the web site more chance to get a better ranking in Google search ultimately results in keyword stuffing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Three types of SEO

 1.Black hat SEO: This is a practice against search engine guidelines, used to get a site ranking higher in search results. Example :(keyword stuffing, link farming,)                                    



 2. White hat SEO: White hat SEO refers to the usage optimization strategies and tactics that focus on a human audience as opposed to search engines and completely follow search engine rules and policies.

3. Grey hat SEO: Grey hat SEO is an SEO practice that combines white hat and black hat SEO.

 link specific means the ranking of a website depends on the hyperlink it gets from another website. Google comes up with the next evolution that Google changing the algorithm to Quality link specific. the quality of a web site determined using a parameter called Page ranking. page ranking is an algorithm used by Google search to rank web pages in their search engine result. Example :(when another website links to a page on your web

Pass the juice

when you set the link to a website the website moves some of your SEO result to that link. this is called ''Linkjuice.'' the ''nofollow'' attribute of external links instructs search engines follow those links. 


Pogo Sticking

Pogo sticking is an SEO term used to describe a situation where a searcher quickly back and forth between pages in search results.

   Bounce Rate


 Google analyses track the number of people who visit your page and learn without viewing other pages on your website.


Search engine optimization is one of the most used techniques that provide web-site fast reachable.